- GT46 Vogue Toddles Strung Composition Wearing tagged dress 1937-1048 Status: AvailablePrice: $100.00
- GTY01/01 Vougue Toddles Tyrolean Pair All original with center snap shoes 125.00 each or 200.00 for pair Status: AvailableYear: 1942
GIN100 Prince Charming Cinderella's Prince Charming by Vogue Very good condition and complete Status: AvailableYear: 1950Price: $200.00
GIN101 VOGUE Toddles Toddles Composition Replaced Shoes Needs dress enclosure Brows are good Status: AvailablePrice: $95.00
GIN105 VOGUE Ginny Painted-Eye Ginny Composition #37 tagged outfit Status: AvailableYear: 1952Price: $95.00
GIN106 VOGUE Ginny Ginny Composition Painted Eye Shorts and knit top As Is Status: AvailablePrice: $60.00
GIN115 VOGUE Hansel Ginny Hansel original outfit, missing hat, not original shoes Status: AvailablePrice: $95.00
**GSLW51 Ginny straight-leg Walker Original Dress and Panties Panty elastic has stretched Status: AvailablePrice: $75.00
**Vogue Ginny Walker Gretel #34 She is in the wrong box which happened quite often at the time she was purchased Missing Socks Status: AvailableCondition: Mint in BoxPrice: $175.00
1952 Ginny Holland Boy Frolicking Fables Series Missing scarf and replaced shoes Status: AvailablePrice: $75.00
-Vouge Ginny in #29 (Tina's Outfit) Outfit should be on a strung blonde with pigtails This doll is strung Status: AvailableYear: 1952Price: $125.00
-Vogue Ginny in Poor Cinderella Outfit Outfit is tagged Missing broom and dust pan Ginny is strung Status: AvailableYear: 1950Price: $175.00
1953 Jointed Ginny Wearing Afternoon Series Dress Small spot on side of face Status: AvailablePrice: $80.00
- GSLW76 Straight-leg Walker Ginny by Vogue Wearing Series 23 Kindergarten 1952 Green Brows Status: AvailablePrice: $95.00
- GSLW75 Ginny Straight-leg Walker by Vogue Wearing 1956 #6050 Funtime Series Hair is a little thin Status: AvailablePrice: $75.00
GS51 Strung Ginny by Vogue Wearing 1952 Tiny Miss Dress and replaced vintage Ginny shoes Some dried glue on side of head Green brow and lashes Status: AvailablePrice: $50.00
- GSLW50 Straight-leg Walker Ginny by Vogue Wearing #53 Dress-faded Green brow and lashes Status: AvailablePrice: $75.00
- GSLW21 Striaght-leg Walker Ginny Wearing #43 Pink Print Dres-a little faded Green Brows and Panty Elastic Stretched Status: AvailablePrice: $75.00
- GSLW20 Ginny Straight-leg Walker 1950's Ginny wearing #29 Rain or Shine outfit from 1954 Green Brows Status: AvailablePrice: $60.00
-GSLW03 Vogue Ginny Straight-leg Walker Wearing Tagged Wedding Gown No Shoes Status: AvailablePrice: $75.00
- GBKW02 Vogue Ginny Straight-leg Walker Wearing #42 Green Print Dress with Vest Status: AvailablePrice: $75.00
Ginny Straight-leg Walker Tagged outfit and sandals Some dried glue on side of face Usually water soluble Status: AvailablePrice: $60.00
GIN108 VOGUE Ginny Walker Wearing Tiny Miss Series #40 Dress, panties and hat Status: AvailableCondition: Lightly Played WithPrice: $110.00
GIN200 VOGUE Ginny Nun 8" Ginny Nun #7092 Tagged Habit Status: AvailableCondition: Lightly Played WithYear: 1957Price: $40.00
GIN110 VOGUE Ginny Ginny Straight-leg Walker Vintage dress Necklace and bracelet Status: AvailablePrice: $95.00
GIN112 VOGUE Ginny Ginny Strung with sleep eyes Tagged Dress with matching undies Brows are good Status: AvailablePrice: $95.00
GIN113 Tina Ginny Doll #29 Tina from Kindergarten Series Strung with sleep eyes Status: AvailableYear: 1953Price: $95.00
GIN114 VOGUE Connie Ginny Doll Connie Kindergarten Series Strung with sleep eyes Replaced Shoes Brows are good Status: AvailablePrice: $110.00
GIN116 VOGUE Ginny Ginny Strung with sleep eyes Wearing a vintage Red Gingham but no tag Replaced Shoes Status: AvailablePrice: $95.00
GIN117 VOGUE Ginny Ginny Strung with sleep eyes Original Dress but no tag Hair is different, great in the back Very light brows (not green) No shoes or socks Status: AvailablePrice: $60.00
GIN118 VOGUE Ginny Ginny Strung with sleep eyes Wearing 3-piece Ginny knit set Brows are good no shoes or socks Status: AvailablePrice: $95.00
GIN119 VOGUE Ginny Ginny Strung with sleep eyes Wearing pants and top to And Away We Go outfit Hair is good Brows are greenish Status: AvailablePrice: $95.00
GIN120 VOGUE Ginny Ginny Strung with sleep eyes Wearing tagged Jane Miller Dress Glue on face and hair is thin on top Brows are good Status: AvailablePrice: $60.00
GIN121 VOGUE Ginny Kay of the Kindergarten Afternoon Series Strung with sleep eyes Hair is thin , frazzled No bow Panties top is stretched Status: AvailableYear: 1952Price: $50.00
GIN122 VOGUE Ginny Ginny Strung/sleep eyes Tagged Vogue Outfit Hair on top shows base of wig Eye brows a little green Status: AvailablePrice: $95.00
GIN123 VOGUE Ginny Strung Ginny Kindergarten Series Center-Snap Shoes Tagged outfit Brows are green (I think) They are hard to see Status: AvailablePrice: $95.00
GIN126 VOGUE Ginny Strung Ginny Tagged Outfit Center-snap shoes Status: AvailableCondition: Lightly Played WithPrice: $110.00
GIN127 VOGUE Ginny Ginny Straight-leg Walker Molded Lash Wearing My Fun Time #49 Missing stocking cap Status: AvailableYear: 1955Price: $60.00